Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Day 4: AFK-able Auto Fishing Station

Today I built an AFK-able auto fishing station. Basically, it allows me to tape my left mouse button down and it will get me free food, with expense of fishing rods and time. I will show you how to too. Here are a few easy steps to build your own. I will just be putting in pictures because they should be extremely easy to follow.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
And that's it! Just three easy steps to make your own fish farm. The slab right in front of the chest is what your stand on, from there look into the water at the iron door, and just hold right click. Also if you add a roof over your fish farm like I did, keep an air space or transparent block (glass) over the water, it will allow you to catch fish much faster. If you want to, you can add more storage because it runs out pretty fast. Here is my finished version:
Other than building this, I have just been doing other chores like chopping wood, mining, you know, the usual. By the way, let me know if there are specific things you want me to post about. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post.....I need to build one of these in my next village....
